Saturday, June 20, 2009

Who's In First?

Would you like to keep up with who is leading in the "race" portion of the event? Leader boards are located at several locations in-world ... but we also have a Leader Board website! Just click here if you'd like to see those who have found the most Hope Hunt Roses!!!


  1. Sometimes it tells me I have touched all the roses at a location and sometimes it says there are some left. Very confused.

  2. The race+hunt started over 6 hours ago and there poor db server is still smoking. They pull the leader board in an attempt to lessen the load. I hope they will follow up with a daily or hourly leader posting here.

  3. We are sorry for all the confusion. To answer General Disorder, to put it in terms we all who live a big part of our lives in sl...Its called Lag. SL's pipeline is clogged. The database is trying to get the information as back as fast as it can. Please just keep clicking.
    To Techwolf: Please go here for the current stats:
    As of this moment you are in second.

  4. Woah, hold on there pardner, I know all about lag and this didn't feel like lag, this was roses giving me nothing, or telling me I'd collected all roses in an area when I clearly hadn't and giving me nothing by way of a next location to go to, and I tried the keep clicking method... a lot;)

    I think it's mostly down to SL's maintenance issues right now, and I will go back and see if things improve:D
